Friday, February 11, 2011


I'm actually COLD. I have spent most of the winter in T-shirts and capris, but it's downright chilly here now. Yesterday, I was snowed in and couldn't get down my driveway to go to work at the library. Luckily, Peggy substituted for me, and today it looks like the sun may get warm enough to melt the ice off the mountain.

My head is spinning from all the details required to get the business going. We've got about six weeks until the opening, and are starting to feel the money pinch as we make up tentative orders of everything we want to carry in the shop. Too many choices! Not enough money!

This weekend, we'll be blanketing the town with our flyers. Next week, we're going to start on painting the bathroom and the following week is our big Kick-off membership meeting. Then the painter and electrician will be coming in to do the big work the last week of February. Then we'll be painting all the display boards, moving the cases, arranging the space, learning the cash register software...well, the details never end. Thankfully, I'm not having any trouble sleeping, though my partners say they are spending their nights tossing and turning.

In the middle of all of this, my hard-working husband is hopefully due off the ship the first week of March. I have really missed him this time, though we talk every morning now, since he's in the shipyard in Singapore). It will be nice to have someone warm to hug when he comes home.

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