Friday, March 30, 2012

Winter (sort of), then Spring (with a bang)!

Our usual slow, gentle fade from winter to spring didn't happen this year. An unusually warm winter (only a few trips down to the car parked by the pond, trudging through snow) gave us plently of rain and then in the space of a few days, we had 70 and 80 degrees, trees flowering a month ahead of schedule (Dogwoods? In March?), and a sense of hurry-up urgency--Spring has already sprung, and once again, I am running behind, caught flat-footed.

Everywhere I look, people are expanding their garden plots, and planting early. Are we preparing for a long, expensive summer, while gas and food prices, already higher than anyone can remember, are expected to go even higher? People are struggling.

Business at the shop has finally settled back into a relaxing routine after the craziness of October through January. As much as we enjoyed being able to buy more yarn than we guessed we'd be able to, it's a bit of a relief to have a time to reassess as we approach our one-year anniversary. We have time to plan projects, knit samples, clean up, get organized and take a breather before the yarn-madness starts again in the fall.

At home, the two dogs are doing as well as can be expected. Ozzie is getting older, a little more sedate and tired; Etta continues to work on her manners and skills, as much as her brain damage allows. I have hired a contractor to work on the decks, as the rotting timbers and Swiss Family Robinson-style stairs have become a major annoyance. I have transplanted my indoor-started seedlings, am planning major perennial vegetable patches (artichokes, asparagus, rhubarb), and yes, a big garden for myself.

It is so breathtakingly beautiful in the early mornings. The drive to work is a visual delight. The redbuds and dogwoods and peaches and apples are bursting with life and color. The birds serenade me as I drink my coffee.

Life is good.

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