Sunday, October 16, 2011

Non-stop FUN!

Yesterday was crazy-busy. Jeannie and I set up a table outside the shop and she played the knitting-barker, waving people in. We made many new friends, signed a ton of people up for classes and the newsletter, and met so many who said "I didn't know you were here!" So Heritage Days has been a great success for the shop.

Up on the square, Heleen held court with some of our customers, selling hats, scarves and shawls, and teaching people to knit, right there on the spot.

At about 3, Jeannie and I made a dash across town to see Herman Cain. We got an awesome parking spot (a feat in itself), and waited for an hour, but his bus was running late, I'd promised MaryAnn that I'd be back so she could go have dinner with her visiting family, so we left. On our way home at 6, we saw the big campaign bus parked, so I have no idea when he finally arrived. Being the last stop on his Tennessee tour is like being the last flight out of Atlanta--you're going to be late. There was a respectably large crowd (maybe 600 people), and one lone sign in the back proclaiming "Obama/Biden 2012." No one bothered him, but several around us tisked-tisked as if feeling sorry for the poor deluded fool. Perhaps therapy would help?

We came home exhausted from our busy day, warmed up some lasagne, drank a lot of red wine, played with Ozzie and fell asleep by 9:30. What wimps.

Today, a more relaxed version of Heritage Days plays out, starting at noon. Whereas yesterday was about parades and contests, line dancing and cloggers in the streets, today will be a tamer version, with fewer crowds, but those willing to linger and shop leisurely. I always like Sunday better at Heritage Days.

We've been blessed with fabulous fall weather this weekend--warm sun, cool breezes and cloudless skies. Perfect to get everyone in the mood for fall.

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